L'histoire de Troyes inscrite dans la cire

An archaeological excavation was conducted Place de la Libération in Troyes, from 2004 to 2006 before the construction of an underground car park.The results of an interdisciplinary approach paint a picture of an emerging ancient city and the daily life of a newly Romanized urban population in the early years AD, particularly social status, dietary customs and state of health. 

Bergerac, premier village du Néolithique du Sud-Ouest de la France

A team from the National Inrap is at present excavating the remains of a Neolithic village in the Vaures quarter of Bergerac. While the Bergerac region is well-known for high quality flints widely exploited during Prehistory, Neolithic dwellings in the area, on the contrary, are little known. The excavation is curated by the  Regional Archaeology Service (DRAC Aquitaine). 

L'or du peuple du bout du monde : découverte d'un trésor gaulois

An Iron Age farm at Laniscat (Côtes-d'Armor) was recently discovered by a team from the INRAP. An exceptional Armorican Celtic coin hoard was also found. The excavation, preceding road building, was curated by the Regional Archaeology Service.

De pourpre et de plomb

A team from the Inrap recently excavated part of the cemetery of Gallo-Roman Evreux Mediolanum Aulercorum. One hundred and thirty four burials dated to the 3rd century AD were found between October 2006 and June 2007. In addition, the excavation has given archaeologists the opportunity to study a funerary practice previously unknown in Roman Gaul. 

Message in a bottle

Following prescription from the Regional Archaeology Service, a team of archaeologists from the Institut national de recherches archéologiques preventives - INRAP - excavated a large Merovingian (6th-7th centuries) settlement at the "Noires terres" locality (Messein, in Meurthe-et-Moselle). 

Une « déesse-mère » néolithique auvergnate ?

The fragment of a ceramic feminine statuette has been found during the excavation of a Middle Neolithic site in Pont-du-Château (Puy-de-Dôme), by a team from the Inrap. The excavation is curated by the Regional Archaeology Service.

Archéologie des temps contemporains : des héros soviétiques dans la glacière

In advance of works in the park of Baillet-en-France castle (Val-d'Oise), an Inrap team directed by François Gentili conducted archaeological research in 2004. 

Le château du Bois Chaland, logis seigneurial à Lisses (Essonne)

A few kilometres from Paris, a team from the Inrap is at present excavating, curated by the Regional Archaeological Service (Drac Île de France), the remains of a seigniorial dwelling of the Late Middle Ages at Lisses (Essonne).Now known as "La Ferme du Bois Chaland", its archaeological history nonetheless dates back to the 13th century. 
