Vénus découverte en 2019, face et profil

The prehistoric site of Renancourt, in Amiens, has been known for many years and long remained one of the few sites providing evidence for human presence in northern France during the Early Upper Paleolithic (35,000 – 15,000). Discovered in 2011, during an Inrap diagnostic operation, the site of Amiens-Renancourt 1 has been under full excavation since 2014. During the 2019 season, an exceptional Gravettian “Venus,” some 23,000-years-old, was discovered.

Des chasseurs-collecteurs de la fin du Paléolithique sous la ville d’Angoulême

This excavation, conducted since the month of April by team of Inrap archaeologists, has revealed three prehistoric occupations dated from the Final Paleolithic to the Mesolithic, as well as a rare sedimentary sequence.

Vignette Un oiseau

Iluminada Ortega and Laurence Bourguignon of Inrap, along with their Spanish colleagues, have announced in the Journal of Archaeological Science Reports, the discovery of an Aurignacian art object, 35,000 – 31,000 years old. This object, depicting a bird, contributes to our knowledge of the origins of figurative art. 

Il y a 35 000 ans, les Aurignaciens, premiers hommes modernes à occuper  la grotte du Mas d'Azil

A team of archaeologists and geoarchaeologists from Inrap and the Traces Laboratory (CNRS – Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès) have been working since 2011, under prescription of the State (Drac Midi-Pyrénées), in the cave-tunnel of Mas d’Azil, in the Ariège region of France. 

Découverte d'un nouveau pré-Néandertalien en France : l'homme de Tourville-la-Rivière

On the prehistoric site of Tourville-la-Rivière (Seine-Maritime, Normandy), a team of archaeologists from the French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (Inrap) has discovered the remains of a pre-Neanderthal. This important discovery has recently been published in the international journal PLOS ONE by a group of researchers from the CNRS, Inrap, the Australian National University, the National Research Centre on Human Evolution of Burgos and the Department Anthropology of the Washington University in Saint Louis. 

Découverte d'une occupation néandertalienne en bord de Saône

A team of Inrap archaeologists is excavating, under curation by the State (Drac Rhône-Alpes), a Middle Paleolithic site in Quincieux in conjunction with work on the A466. 

Découverte d'une sépulture du Paléolithique final à Cuges-les-Pins

Since March 2013, a team of Inrap archaeologists has been excavating 1.8 hectares in the ZAC of Vigneaux in Cuges-les-Pins (Bouches-du-Rhône).

Un mammouth et des hommes de Néandertal sur les rives de la Marne

A nearly complete mammoth skeleton has just been uncovered at Changis-sur-Marne in the Seine-et-Marne department.
