Appel à communications : « Héritages arabo-islamiques  en Europe méditerranéenne (VII<sup>e</sup>-XVIII<sup>e</sup> siècles) - archéologie, histoire, anthropologie »

International conference organised by 
The French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP), 
The Museum of European and Mediterranean civilisations in Marseilles 
The Regional Centre for the Mediterranean 
Marseille-Provence 2013, European Capital of Culture 

Sur les traces des premiers peuplements européens à Etricourt-Manancourt

Since the month of April, a team of Inrap archaeologists have been excavating several Paleolithic occupations in Etricourt-Manancourt, the oldest of which dates to 300,000 years ago. This work is curated by the State (Drac Picardie).

Une riche <i>villa</i> antique révélée par la fouille de la ZAC d'Ussol à Saint-Rémy-de-Provence

In advance of construction work at the ZAC of Ussol by the city of Saint-Rémy-de-Provence (13 Habitat), a preventive excavation, prescribed by the State (Drac Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur), is being conducted at a site at which an Antique villa was discovered during a diagnostic operation. 

Redécouverte du fort Saint-Sébastien, camp d'entraînement des troupes de Louis XIV dans la vallée de la Seine

On the Archères plain (Yvelines), a team of Inrap archaeologists is excavating the Fort Saint-Sébastien, the camp at which the troops of Louis XIV were trained for the siege of Maastricht.

Fouille d'un campement préhistorique solutréen à Boulazac

Since November 2011, a team of Inrap archaeologists has been excavating a large Solutrean site in Boulazac (Dordogne), near Périgueux. This work, which is curated by the State (Drac, Aquitaine), is taking place in advance of the construction of a waste management and recovery center by the Sita society, a subsidiary of Suez Environment. 

Colloque international « Archéologie de l'esclavage colonial » du 9 au 11 mai 2012

In recent years, the history of slavery has taken an important new turn. However, new developments in the archaeology of the colonial period are not as widely known.

2002-2012 : l'Inrap a dix ans

The National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research celebrates ten years of archaeological discoveries.

La France racontée par les archéologues. Fouilles et découvertes au XXIe siècle

By Cyril Marcigny and Daphne Bétard 
Preface by Jean-Paul Jacob, president of INRAP
