Un établissement agricole romain sur le rivage de la lagune d'Antibes

A team from Inrap is at present digging on the shore of the Antibes lagoon. The site, not far from the heart of the antique agglomeration of Antipolis, is being excavated prior to the extension of the Bas-Lauvert Urban Development Zone, at Antibes-Juan-les-Pins. 

Découverte d'une mosaique romaine à Villelaure (Vaucluse)

Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres, Minister of culture and communication, recently announced that a polychrome mosaic dating from the Roman period had been discovered at Villelaure (Vaucluse) during an archaeological evaluation carried out by an Inrap team (Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives). 

La découverte d'une grande <i>villa</i> à Taden : un important établissement rural gallo-romain en Bretagne

In advance of the creation of a ZAC (Zone d'amènagement concerté) by the community of communes of Dinan, a team from the Institut national de recherches archélogiques préventives (Inrap) excavated until February 2006 the site of Alleux in the commune of Taden (Côtes-d'Armor).

Vanves révèle son passé antique et médiéval

A team from the Institut national de recherches archéologiques preventives (Inrap) has found important Gallo-Roman and Mediaeval remains in the town of Vanves. A preventive excavation, curated by the State, is being carried out prior to the construction of a residential building. 

Mariana Luciana visuel 10

An Inrap team has recently discovered a sanctuary dedicated to the god Mithra at the site of Mariana, in Lucciana (Haute-Corse). 


The archaeologists have recently uncovered large mosaics that are part of two Antique buildings.


Elimberris is situated on the right bank of the Gers, today just below the modern urban center. Across 800 m², the excavation revealed the first human settlements dated to the second half of the 1st century BC. 

Aleria 10

A team of Inrap archaeologists is currently excavating an Etruscan tomb in Aleria-Lamajone (Corsica). This excavation, curated by the State (DRAC Corsica), first uncovered two road sections and an Etruscan and Romain necropolis. The discovery of a hypogeum—an underground burial chamber dug into the rock—led to a prescription for further excavation. This unusual research undertaken by the State contributes to our knowledge of Etruscan funerary practices, the Antique occupation of Corsica, and the diversity of its exchanges with the Mediterranean world.
