Wissous et les élites parisii  de la fin de l'indépendance gauloise

An Inrap team is at present excavating, curated by the State (Drac - Regional Archaeological Service,  Île de France), an important Gaulish site situated on the territory of the Paris Orly airport. This four-hectare site shows traces of occupation from the late Bronze Age (circa 800 BC) but is particularly interesting in revealing an important farm holding dating from the second century BC. 

Le Paris des chasseurs-cueilleurs

A team of prehistorians from the Inrap has discovered traces of some of the last prehistoric hunter-gatherers, in the 15th arrondissement of Paris.The 5,000 m2 excavation, curated by the Regional Archaeology Service (Drac Île-de-France), is located on Henry-Farman Street on the site of a future waste separation centre.