Des chasseurs-collecteurs de la fin du Paléolithique sous la ville d’Angoulême

This excavation, conducted since the month of April by team of Inrap archaeologists, has revealed three prehistoric occupations dated from the Final Paleolithic to the Mesolithic, as well as a rare sedimentary sequence.

Le Paris des chasseurs-cueilleurs

A team of prehistorians from the Inrap has discovered traces of some of the last prehistoric hunter-gatherers, in the 15th arrondissement of Paris.The 5,000 m2 excavation, curated by the Regional Archaeology Service (Drac Île-de-France), is located on Henry-Farman Street on the site of a future waste separation centre. 


Numerous Neanderthal artifacts are currently being excavated by a team from the Inrap at Saint-Amand-les-Eaux (Nord). The excavation, taking place, in advance of the construction of a shopping centre, is curated by the Regional Archaeology Service, (DRAC Nord-Pas-de-Calais). An exceptionally well preserved human occupation around 50,000 years old has been found.