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04 December 2018
Human being ? An archeology of the origins

International conference, Friday 9 and Saturday 10 November 2018, at the Muséum de Toulouse.

“Conclusions”, by Jacques Jaubert, “From Prehistory to the current day: culture, environment and anthropology” Laboratory (PACEA-Bordeaux)

Jacques Jaubert  is Professor of Prehistory at the University of Bordeaux, member of the laboratory, “From Prehistory to the current day, culture, environment and anthropology (PACEA, UMR 5199, CNRS).

A specialist in the stone tool industry of Neanderthal artisans and their relations with the animal world, his research focuses mainly on Middle Palaeolithic societies (300-40 ky BP). He has been Administrator or Co-Director of multiple archaeological projects in France, in the Quercy (Le Rescoundudou, Coudoulous, Espagnac) and Saintonge (Chez-Pinaud in Jonzac with J.-J. Hublin) regions, as well as in Mongolia (Aimak de Hovd in Mongolia), Iran (Mar Tarik and Qaleh Bozi caves with F. Biglari), Armenia, Yemen and China. 

He has also published numerous scientific articles and books, including works aimed at the general public on Neanderthals, in 1999, and with Bruno Maureille, in 2012. Since 2009, he has been head of a collective research project for the study of the ornate and sepulchral cave of Cussac (Dordogne) and, more recently, has resumed research in the Bruniquel cave (Tarn-et-Garonne) with S. Verheyden

Bibliography (in french)

  • Jaubert J. et Maureille B., Néandertal. éditions Confluences, Bordeaux, Coll. Les petits vocabulaires de la Préhistoire, 2012, 96 p.​
  • Jaubert J.,Préhistoires de France, Bordeaux, Éditions Confluences, 2011, 126 p.​
  • Jaubert J. et Maureille B.,Les dents humaines moustériennes du Rescoundudou (Sébazac-Concourès, Aveyron), Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2008, t. 105, no 4, p. 677-690.​
  • Jaubert J.,Quels peuplements avant l’Aurignacien sur le versant nord des Pyrénées ?, Qui est l’Aurignacien ?- Actes du Colloque d'Aurignac, 20-21 septembre 2003. - Aurignac : Édition Musée-forum, 2008, p. 9-25. - (Cahier ; 3)
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