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Round Table Where are we from? The cradles of humanity
International conference, Friday 9 and Saturday 10 November 2018, at the Muséum de Toulouse.
International conference "Human being ? An archeology of the origins" by André Langaney, University of Geneva
Round Table with :
- Ron Clarke, university du Witwatersrand ;
- André Langaney, university of Genève ;
- Jean-Jacques Hublin, Institute Max Plank de Leipzig ;
- Jose Braga, university of Toulouse (Paul Sabatier) and university of Witwatersrand, South Africa
The diversity of the animal world, and later that of humans and their cultures, formed the source of his scientific interest and questions. Having studied both mathematics and biology, he was fortunate enough to participate, from his very first professional forays, in the adventure of bringing computer science into biology. The resulting branch made suddenly possible a multitude of research endeavours in population genetics and biometrics.
Applying these methods to the diversity and history of human populations has totally reversed the paradigms of “physical” anthropology by demonstrating the recent common origin of all current human populations, the genetic and biometric inconsistency of racial classifications, and such considerable heterogeneity in all populations that “typological” modelling becomes wholly inadequate.
André Langaney is a French geneticist specialised in the evolution and genetics of populations.
A graduate of École normale supérieure (1963), with an agrégation in Natural Sciences and a State PhD in Human Biology (1972), he was Director of the Laboratory of Biological Anthropology at the Musée de l'Homme, then Professor at the University of Geneva.
Bibliography (in french)
- La vie en rut (en collaboration), Langaney André, Editions de l'Enragé 2009.
- L’injustice racontée à ma fille, Langaney André, Plon 2000.
- La philosophie … biologique ? Langaney André, Belin 1999
- La plus belle histoire de l’Homme (en collaboration) ? Langaney André, Seuil 1998