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04 December 2018
Human being ? An archeology of the origins

International conference, Friday 9 and Saturday 10 November 2018, at the Muséum de Toulouse.

International conference "Human being ? An archeology of the origins" by Etienne Bimbenet, University of Lyon 3

The upswing of cognitive neuroscience over the last forty years has profoundly reshaped the question of the human. We are now are expected to think psychologically (in terms of cognitive abilities) about the fundamental characteristics that signal our humanity. And in recent years, enquiry has clearly polarised around the social skills of the human living being, and on what is sometimes called its “ultrasociality”: deciphering the mental states of others, empathy, altruism, symbolic communication, shared intentionality, etc... We will go back over this hypothesis of the “social brain”, to measure all its implications for our humanity, particularly in how it compares with primates and great apes.

Étienne Bimbenet is currently Professor of Contemporary Philosophy at the University of Bordeaux-Montaigne. He is a member of the Husserl Archives of Paris. After a thesis on Merleau-Ponty, he turned his research to the question of our animal origin, and the possibility of an anthropology from a phenomenological point of view.

Bibliography (in french)

  • « Pour une approche phénoménologique de l’attention conjointe », Alter, 18, 2010.
  • L’Animal que je ne suis plus, Paris, Gallimard, coll. Folio Essais inédit, 2011.
  • L’Invention du réalisme, Paris, Le Cerf, coll. « Passages », 2015
  • Le Complexe des trois singes. Essai sur l’animalité humaine, Paris, Le Seuil, coll. « L’Ordre philosophique », 2017.
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