Recherches archéologiques 20

Exploited for more than a century by Neolithic populations (between 4000 and 3800 BC, according to C14 dating), the Ri flint mine in the Orne...

Recherches archéologiques 13

The study of animal resources and the place of a meat-based diet in protohistoric cultures has largely been developed from the northern France...

De la fin de l'indépendance à la romanisation : les fouilles du Mont Castel à Port-en-Bessin

A team of archaeologists from Inrap, the CNRS, and the universities of Rennes 2 and Burgundy are currently conducting a research excavation of the...

Une nécropole du Néolithique moyen à Fleury-sur-Orne

A team of Inrap archaeologists is currently excavating a 20 hectare site in Fleury-sur-Orne. This work, curated by the State (Drac...

Recherches archéologiques 7

This book, resulting from a national investigation conducted by Inrap, is an analytical presentation of the rhythms of the emergence and...

L'Inrap dégage la tour Denis, au pied des remparts du Mont-Saint-Michel

A team of archaeologists from the Institut National de Recherches Archéologiques Préventives has just finished an excavation at the foot of the...

Quand Néandertal faisait halte à Tourville-la-Rivière

A team of a archaeologists from Inrap (The National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research) is at present excavating, curated by the...