Les diagnostics archéologiques du canal Seine-Nord Europe : des premiers résultats remarquables

Before the construction of the Seine-North of Europe waterway under the technical direction of the Voies navigables de France, and curated by the State (Drac), the French National Institute of Archaeological Research (Inrap) is carrying out a programme of archaeological evaluations, the most extensive at present in Europe.

Une vigne gallo-romaine à Gevrey-Chambertin

Gevrey-Chambertin, located 12 km from Dijon, is world famous for its Burgundy wine. Viticulture has been practiced there since the Gallo-Roman period.

Le Paris des chasseurs-cueilleurs

A team of prehistorians from the Inrap has discovered traces of some of the last prehistoric hunter-gatherers, in the 15th arrondissement of Paris.The 5,000 m2 excavation, curated by the Regional Archaeology Service (Drac Île-de-France), is located on Henry-Farman Street on the site of a future waste separation centre. 

Une « déesse-mère » néolithique auvergnate ?

The fragment of a ceramic feminine statuette has been found during the excavation of a Middle Neolithic site in Pont-du-Château (Puy-de-Dôme), by a team from the Inrap. The excavation is curated by the Regional Archaeology Service.

Bergerac, premier village du Néolithique du Sud-Ouest de la France

A team from the National Inrap is at present excavating the remains of a Neolithic village in the Vaures quarter of Bergerac. While the Bergerac region is well-known for high quality flints widely exploited during Prehistory, Neolithic dwellings in the area, on the contrary, are little known. The excavation is curated by the  Regional Archaeology Service (DRAC Aquitaine). 

Marseille avant Massalia, la première architecture de terre néolithique en France

A team from the Inrap is carrying out a major excavation on the boulevard Charles-Nédélec in Marseille where, over eight millennia, Neolithic, Greek and Modern populations have succeeded one another. The dig is curated by the Regional archaeology service within the framework of the ZAC Saint-Charles, a vast programme of urban development carried out by Euroméditerranée.

Les menhirs de Belz : découverte et fouille extensive d'un ensemble mégalithique en Morbihan, une première en France

Inscribed in the landscape, menhirs and arrangements of upright stones make the Morbihan a favoured region for the study of megalithic monuments. The colossal forms of Carnac constitute the most emblematic example of this architecture, representing the Neolithic societies of the 5th to 3rd millennia BC. Today's breaking news today comes from Belz, where around 50 menhirs have recently been discovered. 


A team from the Institut National de Recherches Archéologiques Préventives (Inrap),working in collaboration with the municipal archaeology service has just found the earliest signs of human occupation in the town centre of Marseille.
