Archéologie et histoire d'Huguenin Jacquin, Bourguignon du XIV<sup>e</sup> siècle

The district of Saint-Martin-du-Mont is located thirty kilometers to the north-east of Dijon. Before the construction of two private residences in the hamlet of Cestres, at "La vie aux Maires”, an INRAP team is currently excavating a medieval residence of the second half of the 14th century, which was rapidly abandoned at the beginning of the 15th century. This work is curated by the State (DRAC Burgundy). 

Wissous et les élites parisii  de la fin de l'indépendance gauloise

An Inrap team is at present excavating, curated by the State (Drac - Regional Archaeological Service,  Île de France), an important Gaulish site situated on the territory of the Paris Orly airport. This four-hectare site shows traces of occupation from the late Bronze Age (circa 800 BC) but is particularly interesting in revealing an important farm holding dating from the second century BC. 

L'Inrap dégage la tour Denis, au pied des remparts du Mont-Saint-Michel

A team of archaeologists from the Institut National de Recherches Archéologiques Préventives has just finished an excavation at the foot of the ramparts of Mont-Saint-Michel. 

Offrandes et malédictions dans un édifice cultuel sur le site des Jacobins au Mans

An Inrap team is currently conducting an excavation, under the curation of the State (DRAC Pays-de-la-Loire), of the future location of the Les Jacobins Cultural Center, a project directed by the city of Le Mans. The excavation will proceed in several phases in parallel with the construction work. 

Archéologie en Val-d'Oise : ces menhirs néolithiques que l'on abat

In advance of the construction of a housing project by Nexity Foncier Conseil, in Champagne-sur-Oise (Val-d’Oise), a team of Inrap archaeologists is excavating a one hectare surface, under the curation of the State (Drac Île-de-France).

Fouilles archéologiques au centre de Bondy : des vestiges de près de 2 000 ans

For more than six years, several operations of preventive archaeology have been carried out in the centre of Bondy. The successive excavations have revealed, between the Church and the Hôtel de Ville, traces of ancient and medieval occupations, dating from the 3rd to the 11th centuries AD.

Les Français et l'archéologie : un sondage d'Ipsos sur l'image de l'archéologie

For the 2011 Archaeology Days, Inrap commissioned the Ipsos Institute to conduct a survey on the perception of the field by the general public. 

Archéologie de la France moderne et contemporaine

Collection "Archéologies de la France"
