Vignette Un oiseau

Iluminada Ortega and Laurence Bourguignon of Inrap, along with their Spanish colleagues, have announced in the Journal of Archaeological Science Reports, the discovery of an Aurignacian art object, 35,000 – 31,000 years old. This object, depicting a bird, contributes to our knowledge of the origins of figurative art. 

Une nécropole antique dans le quartier périphérique occidental de la ville de Saintes : plusieurs individus entravés, dont un enfant

From September to November 2014, a team of Inrap archaeologists conducted a rescue excavation, under prescription of the State (Drac Poitou-Charentes), on a 613 m2 parcel in advance of the construction of a single-family home in the western quarter of Saintes.

Fouille d'un campement préhistorique solutréen à Boulazac

Since November 2011, a team of Inrap archaeologists has been excavating a large Solutrean site in Boulazac (Dordogne), near Périgueux. This work, which is curated by the State (Drac, Aquitaine), is taking place in advance of the construction of a waste management and recovery center by the Sita society, a subsidiary of Suez Environment. 

Bergerac, premier village du Néolithique du Sud-Ouest de la France

A team from the National Inrap is at present excavating the remains of a Neolithic village in the Vaures quarter of Bergerac. While the Bergerac region is well-known for high quality flints widely exploited during Prehistory, Neolithic dwellings in the area, on the contrary, are little known. The excavation is curated by the  Regional Archaeology Service (DRAC Aquitaine). 

Des chasseurs-collecteurs de la fin du Paléolithique sous la ville d’Angoulême

This excavation, conducted since the month of April by team of Inrap archaeologists, has revealed three prehistoric occupations dated from the Final Paleolithic to the Mesolithic, as well as a rare sedimentary sequence.