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19 June 2017
The Archaeology of Violence

International colloquium organized by Inrap and the Museum of Louvre-Lens.
October 2, 3 and 4, 2104 at La Scène du Louvre-Lens

The archaeology of violence: wartime violence, mass violence  
by Jacques Sémelin, CERI-Sciences Po, (CNRS)

Jacques Semelin  is Research Director in political science at the CNRS and professor at Sciences Po Paris, where he teaches a multidisciplinary course on genocide and mass violence. He holds degrees in psychology, history and political science. After earning a Ph.D. in History from the Sorbonne (Paris IV), he was a post-doctoral fellow at Harvard University. His work mainly involves the comparative, differentiated analysis between massacres and genocide (the Holocaust, Rwanda, Bosnia, etc.) and the processes of civilian resistance to mass crimes. In 2008 he founded an online encyclopaedia of mass violence ( 

Bibliography :
  • Purifier et détruire. Usages politiques des massacres et génocides, Seuil, 2005 Point Essais 2012 . disponible en anglais (columbia University press), allemand, italien, espagnol, portugais, turc, slovène,).
  • Persécutions et entraides dans la France occupé. Comment 75% des juifs ont échappé à la mort, Seuil/les Arènes, 2013
  • Violences de masse. Notre approche scientifique adresse shttp sur le site de l'Encyco Mass violence : our scientific aproach addres sur le site de l'Encyclo Adresse internet
  • Résistance civile et totalitarisme, Paris, André Versaille éditeur, 2011.
  • Dir. Violences extrêmes, Revue International des Sciences sociales, décembre 2002
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