En France, la période néolithique, qui correspond aux premières sociétés de paysans, est comprise entre 6000 et 2200 avant notre ère. Elle est caractérisée par l’abandon du mode de vie nomade, l’utilisation de la céramique pour fabriquer des poteries et le polissage de certains outils en pierre tels que les haches.


Exploited for more than a century by Neolithic populations (between 4000 and 3800 BC, according to C14 dating), the Ri flint mine in the Orne...

Les découvertes

An Inrap team has recently excavated a group of aligned menhirs at Veyre-Monton (Puy-de-Dôme). This research, prescribed by the State (Drac...


The recent discovery of seven Neolithic sites in the Alsace Plain with “Rosheim” enclosures has renewed the interpretation of these extensive...


Ditch and palisade sites are one of the most remarkable architectural manifestations of Middle Neolithic populations. The Chasséen occupation of...

Reportages d'actualité

In 2013, for the third consecutive year, Inrap carried out a preventive excavation campaign around Cambodia's Siem Reap International Airport,

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Films d'exposition

In an original narrative mode, illustrated with numerous archive images, Christian Rist and Jean-Paul Fargier tell us the history of archeology,...

Films d'animation

An extensive site occupied during the first half of the fourth millennium, between 4000 and 3500BC, the habitat dating back to the Chasséen period...

Les découvertes

A team of Inrap archaeologists has just uncovered the remains of a massacre that occurred more than six-thousand years ago at Achenheim...


What is the status of this building material compared to others? Is its use linked to specific functions of construction? To the social status of...


The discovery of a vast architectural group including a palisade and buildings dated to early 3rd millennium BC on the edge of the...


The archaeology of violence: wartime violence, mass violence 
by Jean Guilaine, member of Institute


The archaeology of violence: wartime violence, mass violence 
by Maria Teschler-Nicola, Natural history Museum of Vienna


The archaeology of violence: wartime violence, mass violence 
by Augusta McMahon, Cambridge University


The archaeology of violence: wartime violence, mass violence 

Chair : Anne Lehoërff, university of Lille


The archaeology of violence: wartime violence, mass violence
by Jean Guilaine, member of the Institute, honorary professor at the...


The archaeology of violence: wartime violence, mass violence   
by Jacques Sémelin, CERI-Sciences Po, (CNRS)

Les découvertes

A team of Inrap archaeologists is currently excavating a 20 hectare site in Fleury-sur-Orne. This work, curated by the State (Drac...
